Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Two - Hypocritical Judgement

It is interesting that I would start a blog in the midst of my life right now. It is the beginning of Spring Training for baseball. To most, that would mean the start of spring or a long weekend in AZ or FL while watching your favorite team, chowing down on ballpark fare, and enjoying the weather.

For me and my husband, March means chaos. You see, my husband actually pretty much runs spring training for one of the teams. And I help out by doing the day of game staff. (Think t-shirt toss, trivia, and dancing the YMCA. Also we handle almost every guest question/complaint, from beer lines being too long, to directions to the nearest mall.) And through all this, we strive to shine our lights in the office. It can be hard and stressful for us sometimes, ecspecially when doing the right thing is not the popular opinion.

I'm around many different people at my job. In the past two days, I've heard many anecdotes that I don't like and do not need to hear. With the variety of ages and backgrounds, its hard to find God in our workplace. I do feel more open this year about my faith, church, and God. But its hard when there are other people who talk about their faith, and then act like hypocrites. So how do you shine your light, when others who should be, are actually putting it out?

So I decided to look it up. In Galations 6:1, it says, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted."

And in Matthew 7:1, it says, "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged."

So I take this - as a believer, that I am to use caution when I hear wrong things come out of the mouths of Christians around me. If I feel something needs to be addressed, I must do so gently, and with the intent that I don't fall into the temptation myself. But I am not to judge simply for my own personal benefit as a "I am holier than thou" type of attitude. I think I will try to use this tomorrow as we face another game day. In the midst of small talk and chatter, I hope to use words and actions to shine my light to the other Christians around me by using this new simple understanding of judgment.

Judging is a difficult subject for me to understand, I've come to learn. I hope that I haven't confused anyone, and welcome any comments or questions.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day One - Introduction

"This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine
Let it shine,
Let it shine,
Let it shine."

As a kid in Sunday School, I often sung this tune with memorable hand gestures surrounded by other kids shouting an dancing as we praised the Lord. At that time, it was a fun song to sing and move to, but what does that last line really mean, "Let it shine?"

That is what this blog is all about - letting your light shine before all - every man, woman, boy and girl. Christian, non-christian, athiest, mormon, catholic, diest, muslim, jew, non-religious, satanic, wiken, you-name-it - the point is to shine.

In the next few months, I plan to explore through various means and people what shining the light of Christ in every day life is all about. As a wife, my husband is the greatest example of shining light in this world. I plan to share his experiences quite often, with his permission of course! And as a youth leader of high school girls, I plan to share their experiences as they struggle to shine as Christians in a media saturated teen environment. And as a young woman of God, I wil share my thoughts, struggles, and experiences while I try my best to "Let it shine."